We have been studying South America. In groups we presented different countries from South America. Here is the Argentina group presenting their findings. Also the presentation that they used during their oral presentation and the rubic marking sheet for their group.
I am a Year 8 at St Pius X Catholic School in Auckland. I am in Room 7 and my Teacher is Mrs Tui.
Saturday, 7 December 2013
Thursday, 5 December 2013
Netbook Reflection
From this year I have learnt are lot of things from Miss G. I enjoy use my netbook in the classroom. I learnt Writing, Reading, Religious Education and more.Miss G is are wonderful Teacher and love her because she helps me with my work and I like to work in my netbook. I love to do my work in my netbook, like using my docs and finding information about things. I have a lot of work I learnt and Miss gives us our work to do. We like doing the work Miss G gives us. I like to work on my netbook.
Wednesday, 4 December 2013
Monday, 2 December 2013
Book Review
Title: Lunch for Greedy Cat.
Author: Joy Cowley.
Illustrator: Robyn Belton.
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Greedy cat
Plot: Katie was told his Aunty to looked after the cat is Creedy.
Problem: Katie his Aunt was saying to the cat “you to fat ca”t and the cat went down the road and was going to the school. The children were giving him the lunch and he ate and went back to his home. Katie saw the cat was asleep.
Solution: Then the cat would be fat again.
Your opinion of the story:
I like the story because Katie hugged the greedy cat and the greedy cat had a sleep on the mat. Katie was smiling because the cat is asleep it looked cute.
Illustration of a character doing something from the story
Friday, 29 November 2013
Cultural Day
On Friday morning we were going to mass and we sat on the chairs and Father came and sat down on his chair. Me and Petra, Vaine, Rosrine took our countries flag to the front at the altar. We put the flag to the front and we came back and we came and sat on the chairs.
We finished the mass and went to room7 to show their Presentation. After room7 we came to room 3 room and we showed our presentations. After that we went to room 6 then we had our lunch.
We was going to outside to ouside to line up and we walking to room6 and we was going and sat down on the ground and to show they country they work.
Lunch time finished and we went to the hall to do our dances. We danced and our teacher watched our dance and some people had confidence and some people were shy.
After we danced we came and sat down and then we went back to class and changed into our uniforms again.
Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Argentina Presentation
On Friday last week we presented our information we discovered about Argentina. We had a great time presenting to the syndicate. Here is our presentation and a film of us presenting it.
Tuesday, 26 November 2013
Wednesday, 20 November 2013
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
Touch Training
Today I am looking forward to playing touch. I am go to practise the touch skills.
I am expecting to see people practicing their Touch skills. We are doing because it is the sport and we are going to be learning it with a coach from Touch New Zealand.
I can’t wait to play Touch but I hope after today I will start learning.
Monday, 18 November 2013
Friday, 15 November 2013
Film Festival 2013
We went to Sylvia Park in the morning and we went to the movies. The students went to the film festival and Pt England Primary were there too. We laughed because the movies were funny, we laughed.
We went by bus because we were going to participate the see all the movies. I saw the room 3 movie. I like the other movies too. Sione and Catherine was standing up the top to introduce their movie. Patrick and Alecia were standing up the top and they said “our movies is called SUCCESS”
We came back to school and we had 10 minute before we could have lunch.
Thursday, 14 November 2013
Practise Prompt 6
Once upon time there were two dogs on the beach.
It was a white dog and a black dog and they was fighting over the toy. It was hard for the dogs because they were both pulling on the toy.
The dogs was smile and is not angry and the another dogs was on angry two the water was another side and the dogs was fighting on the beach and the water was in the ground. The dogs was she to the another side and the another dogs was she to the dogs and to the toy and the dogs was sitteng down the beach.
The dogs is so beatiful and the another dogs is so beafiful and is so cute and the skin is white and the another dogs is black and white.
The small dogs is angry because the big dogs was eat the toy and the small dogs was angry because he was want the toy and the big dogs she want two the toy and they fighting because they want the toy. The two dogs was stting down on the beach and they fighting because she want the toy.
Monday, 11 November 2013
Selena Gonez.
I chose Selena Gomez because she inspires me by making me sing a lot of her songs like her song named Love will Remember I love that song. What I like about the song is so nice. I see her on T.V.
Wednesday, 6 November 2013
Pratice promtp 5
Once upon there are man was play the women his hair and the mouth was open and his was scary and he was say to the man stop stop and the man was what the women i say stop to you say stop.
The women was sleeping and the man was say knock knock and the women was say I come and the women was scary because the man was blow and the women and the women was say.
Tuesday, 5 November 2013
Practice Prompt
Once upon there was are animal was up the tree and Anna was she the animal and she say mnokey the monkey was come to Anna. Looking up the tree and Anna was call his friend come and she the monkey and was touch the the monkey and anna his friend was go to the dad of anna and the friend anna was say come to she the monkey and the dad was come and she.
After his dad she and Anna was going and told his mum come and she the monkey and his mum was say that monkey is so scary and anna what that monkey is so scray.
Monday, 4 November 2013
Prompt 2
Once upon a time there were a lot of people at the beach. There were people that liked to sleep in the sun and there were also people that were walking on the beach.
The beach is good for swimming, is it very warm and is good because the kids can go swimming. People can play in the water. Some people come with their umbrellas to protect their skin because the beach is too hot.
The beach is big and there is a little shade for the lifeguard on the side. The people liked to sleep under the umbrellas and some people come with their lunch and eat. Some people like to go, swim to cool down, get some fresh air, come back, eat lunch and then sleep again.
The kids like running around the beach. After swimming they come and eat and drink and then they go back and play.
There are two girls running to go swimming, the girls are happy because its fun. One of the girls went to her mum to eat and drink, after she finished eating her lunch she went back to play.
There was a girl, her sister and they were fighting because the boy was playing with the with her sister and they go to the beach and the another sister was angry becsuse her sister was going with the boy and the another sister was call him to go with him and play.
Friday, 25 October 2013
Jam Bus
Dear Jam Bus Team.
Thank you for recording Room Three. I would like to thank you for everything you have done for us. Thank you for the CD’s you have given to us and for recording us. Also I would like to say I was very overwhelmed when we were finished because it was a beautiful sound.
I would like to thank you Sam and Hugh for spending your time with us and giving us awesome sounds, so thank you for everything.
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
Friday, 18 October 2013
After Morning tea Mrs G told room 3 that we were going to Squash in the hall and we go and sit down and Michael and Phil talking about the squash. Phil half for group and the group go with Phil and the other group go with Michael and we go and play Michael. The Squash is fun and cool because the new game we play Michael was say time and we go around and Mrs G come and he say what young point and i say my point is 9 and Mrs G come and he say who has the high points and big one.
Michael was doing the time and Phil and Phil walking around and Michael was going and see the children was play and Michael. Tokilupe was play and Michael came and see and Michael was going to the other side and Mrs G came and I say Mrs G my point is 1 and Mrs G you 3 stay here. And Tokilupe and Misiotei and ‘Asipeli was going to the other side and Michael was see the children who ready and Phil was walking around there a children ready Phil he say go and we start the play and i was play and me and Victoria was start we hary because the time is hary.
Some Information about squash .
1. The top two winners are Nicol david
and Ramy Ashour.
2. T - shirt and a pants for the men and scrit for the girls and glass and the band on the head.
3.Real court 3 times bigger .
Phil was telling us to go and chose a place and we go and chose and Phil say you guys ready and we say yes and Phil was walking around and Michael was go and see the children.
After Morning tea Mrs G told room 3 that we were going to Squash in the hall and we go and sit down and Michael and Phil talking about the squash. Phil half for group and the group go with Phil and the other group go with Michael and we go and play Michael. The Squash is fun and cool because the new game we play Michael was say time and we go around and Mrs G come and he say what young point and i say my point is 9 and Mrs G come and he say who has the high points and big one.
Michael was doing the time and Phil and Phil walking around and Michael was going and see the children was play and Michael. Tokilupe was play and Michael came and see and Michael was going to the other side and Mrs G came and I say Mrs G my point is 1 and Mrs G you 3 stay here. And Tokilupe and Misiotei and ‘Asipeli was going to the other side and Michael was see the children who ready and Phil was walking around there a children ready Phil he say go and we start the play and i was play and me and Victoria was start we hary because the time is hary.
Some Information about squash .
1. The top two winners are Nicol david
and Ramy Ashour.
2. T - shirt and a pants for the men and scrit for the girls and glass and the band on the head.
3.Real court 3 times bigger .
Phil was telling us to go and chose a place and we go and chose and Phil say you guys ready and we say yes and Phil was walking around and Michael was go and see the children.
Friday, 27 September 2013
Duffy Recount
Yesterday afternoon a group of people came to our school to show us a theater show. They came from the back of a big book and they told us what their names were. Duffy and Scruffy run around and Duffy ran and said “you see Scruffy?” “yes, that way” we shouted and Duffy said “thanks” and found Scruffy.
Duffy was sleeping and Duffy’s mum called him to go clean his room and Duffy cleaned his room. Duffy picked up the rubbish and put in the rubbish outside. Afi came to Duffy and told him the story that Duffy saw in his story book. He always reads to Scruffy and Afi. Scruffy came to Duffy to with the rubbish and Duffy give the rubbish to Scruffy and Scruffy go with the rubbish.
Thursday, 26 September 2013
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
Kids For Kids Recount
On a lovely sunny day we all went on the bus to the Life Convention Center. The concert was in Mangere. We did the Kids for kids concert to help the poor people who need help. At the Life Convention Center there were lots of teachers and different schools. We started singing up on stage with the other schools that were there.
We were practicing a song called Maybe Tomorrow and Weather With You and we were singing all the songs. At halftime we came down off the stage and Mrs Deeney gave out our lunch.
After morning tea we got back up on the stage and we continued practicing. The last song was She’s A Mod and then we went backstage to wait for our parents to take us home.
Wednesday, 18 September 2013
Healing in Faith
Mathew 25:36
Physical well-being. means to have a healthy body.
Social well-being. Having family-whanau friend support.
Menatal and emotional well- being. Being able to tell other what you think and fell.
Spiritual well-being. For Chistans being able to believe in God.
Monday, 16 September 2013
Kids 4 kids Rehersal
On Friday we were going in the bus to go and have a rehearsal for Kids for kids concert.
We practised the songs because we going to the Kids for Kids Concert at night. When we finished the practise of the songs we came back to the school and we had lunch and Mrs Deeny said we could have a play.
We practised the songs because we going to the Kids for Kids Concert at night. When we finished the practise of the songs we came back to the school and we had lunch and Mrs Deeny said we could have a play.
Monday, 9 September 2013
Maths Reflection
I was doing Xtramaths in Maths time today. Miss G called Squares down to the mat and we went. On the mat we learnt about fractions. We learnt to read and write fractions. I think I still need to practise it more because I didn’t totally understand but Miss G will help me after I have had some practise myself using our group scrapbook.
Thursday, 5 September 2013
Wednesday, 4 September 2013
Monday, 2 September 2013
St Pius Feast Day
On 23th August we went to the Church and sang, we were happy because it was the feast day of St Pius X. When our whole school mass was finished in the Church we went to the hall and Mrs Tui sliced the Feast day cake. It was a banana cake with white cream on the top. Maxine, Deja, Catherine and Meleseini gave the cake to the students.
After the lunch bell rang we lined up and we went to the hall and sat down. Some people from room 7 spoke in the microphone and introduced all the classes then we had a song at the concert. Room 3 sang Haere Mai and Something in the Water. I liked Room 7’s the best because their song was nice when they played the drums. After the concert finished we went out to play.
Wednesday, 21 August 2013
St Pius X Feast Day
Pope Pius X was born Giuseppe Sarto. On June 2,1835 in Riese, Italy. Pope Pius X celebrates his Feast day on August 21st. Pope Pius died in 1914. Pope Pius X was a Bishop from 1884-1893. A Patriarch of Venice 1893-1903 A cardinal priest 1893- 1903.
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
Monday, 19 August 2013
Cross Country
The SPX Cross Country is cool and fast. Rooms 3, 6 and 7 went running around the streets for cross country. We started by the church. Miss G whacked the blocks and I race down to Mr Coakley and went on running.
I got slow and tired so I walked round the block. When I got to the corner I hurried back to the school running fast.
Rooms 3, 6,and 7 were at the courts seeing the little kids racing around the cones for their cross country. I laughed watching the little kids run fast. St Mary’s girls were encouraging us on the way and I kept running and I got tired but I kept running. The cross country was long and people were thirsty and really hot and some people were tired.
Tuesday, 13 August 2013
The Assumption
We celebrate the Assumption of Mary on her Heavenly birthday which is on 15th August. Mary is the Queen of heaven, she was taken up to heaven. Pope Pius said it to be true that Mary’s body went to heaven. Mary sit beten Jesus and God.
Friday, 9 August 2013
Amelia's Baby Brother
Monday, 5 August 2013
Badminton Report
A game with a racket and shuttlecock which is hit over the net using the racket.
The equipment that you should use during badminton is Racket, Shuttlecock and net. We use these things to play the game with.
and sporty. Sport shoes are to be comfortable for your feet when playing badminton.
When hitting the shuttlecock you can do high, low, fast, slow and smash it to your opponent.
A game of badminton is not hard to play, you can have fun and it’s safe. Badminton keeps you fit and your body sweats a lot some players wear wristbands. Badminton is a cool and fun.
Friday, 2 August 2013
A rainbow bird from south america
Cardinal Antbird
The story is about the Rainbow Birds.
The birds are going to the tree and putting colour on their skin. The colour kept falling off.
The birds saw the Rainbow and they liked seeing the Rainbow. The Rainbow started to die because it was being eaten by Roaches. The birds and the roaches flew past one another fighting and the roaches were dropping to the ground. The birds flew through the rainbow and got beautiful colours on them. They went back to the tree to show the brown birds and they were very jealous.Thursday, 1 August 2013
Worshipping God?
How is it worshipping God?
it is worshipping God by obeying him and giving him respect and lots of Love.
Why do you pray?
We pray to God because he gives us life and respect.
How do you pray?
You close your eyes and close your hands and say the words you have to say out to God. Tell him that you are sorry, Thank you and Forgive me.
Wednesday, 10 July 2013
To get forgiveness for this I can say sorry and be friends and play with them at the park. Also go around the school and be very good to my friends. My friends is a nice because my friends and I are happy because we are very nice to each other.
Monday, 8 July 2013
Friday, 5 July 2013
Lunch for greedy cat.
By Joy Cowley.
She gave him cat biscuits and a bowl of broccoli. bowl said Greedy Cat. Off went Greedy Cat down the steps. Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump! Greedy Cat went down the path. He went down the road and into the school. “Meow? Meow? Meow?” cred Greedy Cat. “Look,” said the children. “Greedy Cat is hungry. He want some lunch.” Here you are.
The next day, Aunty gave Greedy Cat his lunch. Cat biscuits and broccoli again! Back to the school went Greedy Cat. Then after day, Greedy Cat went to school. Day after day, the children gave him lunch. Look, Greedy Cat is at school again. Do you want some potato chips?
Want would you like today? Here, Greedy Cat. Have a banana.
Thursday, 4 July 2013
The Longest Story
The Longest Story - Junior Journal 20
1. Put in the punctuation into the sentences from the story.
a) “Stop!” yelled the people. “No more! No more!" ✔
b) The young man was very happy. So was Abena. ✔
c) Her father said “Many young men want to marry her”. ✔
2. What does these types of punctuation mean
Speech marks - Speech marks means when someone is talking ✔
Full stop - Full stops when you put it when you finished writing your text.✔
Capital letter - Capital letter is when you start you first letter if you type your first text. ✔
3. Answer these comprehension questions to show your understanding of the text.
a) Where is the story set? Safari, Africa ✔
b) Why did they have a contest? To marry the beautiful daughter of the father and the Mother. ✔
c) What was the story about the young man was trying tell? That there was a story of a three chicks and they were very very hungry. ✔
d) How did the people react to the young man’s story?
Stop!” yelled the people. “No more! No more!” ✔
Monday, 1 July 2013
Friday, 28 June 2013
Cookie Protector :)
On Tuesday afternoon we have to do a cookie protector and we have to be partners and my Partner were Kanesini, Kanesini made a circle Drink to fit the cookie in from the monster. Today we have to finished it up tommorow. The things that I and my Partner used was 1 cellotape and 2 metre strings also 2 metres straw and a A4 paper to draw or write your ideas then we got a A3 paper to bulid it up.
Thursday, 27 June 2013
Pool Description
The pool is 15 metres long and 1 metre deep. Our instructors names were Jilian and Kevin.
The pool is big and the water is blue like the sky. It is 15 meters long and 1 metre deep. the water is hot and the pool is a beautiful dark blue.
We sometimes have free time and we all have to do swimming lessons and at the end when we all are good we have 10 minutes of free time only if we be good to Jillian and Kevin.
I love the swimming pool because we get to have free time and swimming lessons and I love chasing and swimming from this side to the other and playing around with my friends and making hand stands. The most things I like are running around the block and playing games like doing handstands and doing hip hop inside the pool.
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
A Covenant :)
A convenant is a Scared serious agreement? promise between God and God's people.
Monday, 24 June 2013
No Lunch
No Lunch - Junior Journal 22
1. Find the meanings of these words from the story.
rumble - They make a low, rolling noise like the sound of thunder. ✔
pikelet -A pikelet is a mini pancake. ✔
lever -is a bar that you use to left and object by placing one end under. ✔
daydream - daydream is like when you are dreaming of something. ✔
suddenly - happening quickly. ✔
3. Answer these comprehension questions to show your. understanding of the text.
a) Why was Addison worrying while he was at school? Addison was worried because he had no lunch.✔
b) What did Addison forget at exercise time? He forgot to collect his skipping rope from his desk when they went outside for exercise✔
c) How did Addison trip over in the playground? He tripped because he was looking at Dad✔
d) What does it mean in the story ‘You’re daydreaming Addison”? This means he didn’t hear Mrs Martin.✔
Wednesday, 19 June 2013
Friday, 14 June 2013
Monday, 27 May 2013
Catholic School Day!
On Tuesday 21st May Saint Pius X Catholic School invited St Joseph Orakei to our special school.
After morning tea we went to the hall, we sang and took turns for the class and St Joseph’s and St Pius to perform.
My buddies Siena, Annalise, Rose and also lupe’s buddy Josie all sat together. My buddies were good and we played at the park. We played tiggy with our friends. I played tag with Siena and Josie.
They had to go back to their school so we sang the Hamba Gashle song when they left. I miss my buddies.
Wednesday, 22 May 2013
Maths Reflection
What I have learnt in maths this week is going on Maths Whizz and Xtra Maths. I was trying to know my subtraction but it was hard. Maths whizz is cool and I learn lots from it.
Wednesday, 15 May 2013
NZ Sign Language Awareness
This week is NZ Sign Language Awareness week. Today Room 3 learnt to say their name in NZ Sign Language.
Wednesday, 8 May 2013
My Mother
My Mother is a good Mother. I love her very much.
My mother has black like the dark. She is a lady just like a flower. My mother looks after me when I am sick. My mother helps me to do my homework. Soko is nice and caring. She likes apples but she doesn’t like necklace lollies. my mother is special to me. I am special to my Mother because I am nice to her.
My Mother likes me when I help her to do stuff.
When the kete is filled, it is time to take the karengo home and prepare it for eating. They put the karengo into a dish. The dish goes into the oven. It takes about two hours to cook. It is yummy when you eat it.
Tuesday, 16 April 2013
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